Its just a starting of my clg life. New place, new city, new friends. M very excited. Its about to pass a week nd still i dnt know so many of my classmates. But i thought its just a starting na. All will b ok after sometime. The day passed. We were busy with our sheets and assignments. Still in a break time we found some time for enjoyment during viva. Yaa in a break time we had vivas. Strange but its true. The first sem passed away just in 4-5 months. There was a second sem. Now i have many known faces around me. Its great when u had so many frnds to chill. In between all the regular schedule i found some intresting thing in my class. Nd that interesting thing was a smile of someone. Masha allah what a smile and specially the deep dimples
. To watch those dimple was my favourite timepass. One day a proffesor anownce some other's name for a beautiful smile. And i was just like" what.. are u kidding?" at that time i was first time seeing that smile, and the owner of that smile.
I seen that and turn back. The day passed as normal as before. Then we have a group of some of the classmates on whatsapp. The both smile owner were there in a group. But i had never notice the another one. The day pass and my favourite smile was not so important for me. Many Changes came in our lives there were many good frnds i got. Even there were some special telants on us which we explored in our annual function. That function gave us lots of memories. Then the third semseter started the beautiful smile was disappeared from the collage. But that wasnt affect me. That sem go through as sincere as possible. And i cleared all the subjects. The fourth sem ahaa its the best one i had such a great group. With whom i could enjoy and wander. In between all that i couldnt manage to found when the another smile would be part of my life. But at that time i didnt remember that thing even. In all of sudden i found feeling for him. Oh no whats happening with me. I just didnt want that felling but our heart.. The foolish heart.
After this i had realised the charm of his smile. After that found that he had a gf.
i was very sad from that day. Then one of my friend asked me " why u so affected by that ?" the same question i asked my self and decide to ignore all this things. I got normal after some time. Who knows the person behind my pain would be the future reason of my smiles. Yes time made such a round that we became the best friends. I didnt have that feelings in me now. And all I want was his happiness. The thing i came to kniw was its not his smile which was beautiful its his heart his personality which made him so lovable. The love for him was always remain same. But the feel was as pure as crystal.
I seen that and turn back. The day passed as normal as before. Then we have a group of some of the classmates on whatsapp. The both smile owner were there in a group. But i had never notice the another one. The day pass and my favourite smile was not so important for me. Many Changes came in our lives there were many good frnds i got. Even there were some special telants on us which we explored in our annual function. That function gave us lots of memories. Then the third semseter started the beautiful smile was disappeared from the collage. But that wasnt affect me. That sem go through as sincere as possible. And i cleared all the subjects. The fourth sem ahaa its the best one i had such a great group. With whom i could enjoy and wander. In between all that i couldnt manage to found when the another smile would be part of my life. But at that time i didnt remember that thing even. In all of sudden i found feeling for him. Oh no whats happening with me. I just didnt want that felling but our heart.. The foolish heart.
After this i had realised the charm of his smile. After that found that he had a gf.